Is Sean Combs gay or straight?
Here you find the sexual orientation of Sean Combs.Do you disagree? Please Inform us.
Sean Combs is heterosexual / straight
Why people think Sean Combs is not gay
Sean Combs was rumored to be with Cassie Ventura (from July 2008-July 2008)
Sean Combs was rumored to be with Diana Bianchi (from Jan 2008-July 2008)
Sean Combs dated Kim Porter (from March 1996-July 2007)
Sean Combs had a fling with Sarah Chapman (from Jan 2004-Apr 2006)
Sean Combs dated Naomi Campbell (from Jan 2002-Oct 2002)
Sean Combs was rumored to be with Alicia Douvall (from Jan 2002-Jan 2002)
Sean Combs dated Jennifer Lopez (from Sep 1999-Feb 2001)
Sean Combs dated Emma Heming (from Jan 2001-Jan 2001)
Sean Combs dated Misa Hylton Brim (from Feb 1993-Jan 1995)
Do you like Sean Combs?
Sean Combs gaydar
According to 218 visitors Sean Combs is 74% gay.The average gay-rating on is 69%, which means Sean Combs has been voted highly gay.
Please vote! How gay is Sean Combs?
not gay - - gay
not gay - - gay